Titled “Sky Blaze” this photograph was taken just after a storm passed through at sunset in South Wales.
These are the conditions I always look for and had monitored the weather forecasts throughout the day where it was forecasting the storm to clear just before sunset. It’s funny I can remember walking down to the beach during heavy rain where a fellow photographer wound down his window and asked whether I was mad.
As I battled with the heavy rain and wind trying to compose an image fighting to keep my lens dry so I could frame my shot I could feel eyes watching me in the distance probably thinking what an idiot!
The thing is I have been in these conditions so many times and looking to the horizon I was confident that it would clear as I could see the cloud formations beginning to change and light starting to break through. This light can be so dramatic but over within minutes and if you are not ready you will miss it which believe me I have done so many times.
After 30 minutes the sky cleared on the horizon with the sun low setting the sky ablaze.
The sky erupted into these vibrant vivid colours illuminating the sandstone cliffs in stunning harsh light which was very difficult to capture due to the high dynamic range within the scene.
It doesn’t always work out but you just have to try and give yourself the best chance of being in the right place at the right time which thankfully, this time certainly payed off.