Landscape Photography Blog

When is the best time to take pictures outside?
The question I get asked over and over by photographers starting out on their photography journey is When is the best time to take pictures outside? This will depend on several factors such as what subject you are trying to shoot, weather conditions, seasons and location but mostly photographing in soft light can give the …Read More »

Camera Lens Hoods: Why When How to use them
With all the latest and greatest camera equipment photographers have at their disposal these days we have to be selective on what to take with us and the item I see sacrificed more often than any other are camera lens hoods. This often overlooked and seriously underrated piece of camera equipment is frequently discarded in …Read More »

Content Aware Fill in Photoshop: All You Need to Know
There are a lot of Photoshop tips and tricks out there, but finding the one that best fits your needs can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Photoshop’s Content Aware Fill feature to remove unwanted elements from photos. Table of Contents What …Read More »

What is Spot Metering: Everything You Need to Know
Camera Metering modes can vary from model to model and with the continual development work by manufactures more sophisticated methods appear year on year in the way of Smart Metering modes. These complexed modes have their place to aid the photographer by using the latest technology to improve the cameras ability to accurately match its …Read More »

What is a Smart Object in Photoshop
Smart objects are non destructive layers containing image data from raster or vector images such as Photoshop or Illustrator files. You can think of it as a protective container allowing you to edit your image in photoshop without altering the original file. What are the advantages to using Smart Objects in Photoshop? The main …Read More »

The difference between Vibrance vs Saturation
Have you ever wondered what the difference between Vibrance vs Saturation in Photoshop and Lightroom? Well you are not alone, this is a question that crops up in conversation often when I take people through various post processing workflows and techniques. Vibrance and Saturation adjustments increase or decrease the colour intensity within an image. …Read More »

How to use Content Aware Scale in Photoshop
While searching through my photographs for that perfect image to accompany an article I was writing, it was frustrating to find that all the best suited images were either the wrong aspect ratio or didn’t have enough free space to add the text I needed. When I took the images I didn’t plan on using …Read More »

How to Deselect and Reselect in Photoshop
One of the basic fundamentals to editing in Photoshop is the ability to make key specific selections of desired areas within an image and being able to change them in isolation. There are many different tools to use depending on what you want to select such as Marquee, Lasso, Magic Wand and Quick Selections tools …Read More »