Landscape Photography Blog

Best Nikon lenses for landscape photography in 2021
Aching after a long hike in the mountains I thought it was about time I started to scale down my camera gear, unfortunately I am not getting any younger and these long hikes carrying a heavy rucksack is really starting to take its toll. With that in mind my greatest weight saving is to reduce …Read More »

Capture the moment photography
In these very difficult times for us all at the moment being locked in isolation and not being able to get out with the camera I have been doing quite a lot of soul searching and asking tough questions of my own photography. One question I have been giving some thought too is if I …Read More »

How to recover data from formatted SD card
We have all done it at least once and if you haven’t you most likely will at some point and that is accidentally deleted photos or videos you didn’t mean to. So here I will explain how to recover data from formatted SD cards and the software I use. I know this sounds stupid right? …Read More »

How to take meaningful photographs
There are thousands of great photographs out there across all genres of photography taken by photographers ranging from someone taking holiday snaps to photographers with a wealth of experience and expertise. Out of all these images how many convey meaning or feeling without words? By asking the question How to take meaningful photographs? as a …Read More »

Snowdon and Ogwen Valley Webcams
Anyone who knows me or follows my photography will know my passion for the mountains of Snowdonia in north Wales. When I get asked how I meticulously plan my photography and hiking trips then and visualise the images I plan to take they are always surprised by one of the main sources I use, that …Read More »

How to reduce noise in Photoshop
Tutorial and Workflow on How to reduce noise in Photoshop to remove noise in your photographs and compare ACR method against two premium plugins Dfine 2 and DeNoise. Find out which method is best and why with comparison images.

Photography Rule of Thirds: What & How to use it
The Photography Rule of thirds is one of the simplest and well known rules in composition but what is it, why is important and why should you learn to use it? Well before we dive in let me start off here by addressing something especially for anyone that is new to photography and just starting …Read More »

Capture landscape portfolio photographs
Trying to capture landscape portfolio photographs consistently is the greatest challenge a landscape photographer faces in his quest to capture nature at its finest. By having a defined process rather than a more scatter gun approach you can tip the balance in your favour. Learning and understanding an area intimately is one the most important …Read More »